We started innovating in eLearning since 1996 with a failed attempt to
provide support to teaching assistants at the department of Mechanical
Engineering, Concordia University. Later, a successful educational
multi-media CD ROM was developed and used at McGill University,
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. Since then we had
been involved in a number of web-based educational projects, and have
developed our own eLearning platform, www.learningcampus.org. This
website, has dual role, namely not-for-profit (to provide free
management courses to NGOs) and commercial (with focus to executive
graduate programs in collaboration with universities).
We launched a large number of highly successful initiatives. Mideastimage.com is an online museum featuring one of the largest original collections of historic photos of the Middle East. The site's content is used at many of the world's top universities. Onemideast.org is a recognized leader in online activism that demonstrated a new methodology in conflict resolution between two enemy states. Creativesyria.com is the premier site on Syria. Its guestbook was signed by European government officials and by international journalists, diplomats and analysts. Islamcomment.com brings together a large group of experts, scholars, journalists, philosophers and religious authorities.
Since 1997, we have been providing expert advice to the ehealth sector
developing internet based applications during the dotcom boom
(GlobalHealthCare, SwordComSoft and others). We have recently launched
a knowledge-based medical system for the allergy clinic at the
Montreal General Hospital, and are in negotiations to implement smart
medical health records in two clinics in the island of Montreal. Our
unique approach to the development of electronic medical system is
based on knowledge management concepts with great advantages to
healthcare providers and includes two significant components: An
expert system for the effective and efficient management of medical
knowledge, and a collaborative system allowing access to specialists
around the world for complex medical cases.
We developed an integrated suite of custom applications that enabled Sigmawave, a special applications computer suppliers, to lower operating costs, operate more efficiently, provide better customer service and avoid data redundancy. A specialized POS module that handles invoicing assembled products feeds a purchasing module with all the parts sold. The purchasing module queries all relevant suppliers' real time inventory databases to do comparison shopping. Receiving module handles inventory and DOA shipments. Service module connects all the company's databases making it easier to provide faster and more responsive service.