Our Projects
Name Integrated client/supplier management system
Project type Enterprise resources management system
Un fabricant d'ordinateurs avancées spécialisant dans l'infographie, le vidéo MNL, et les applications audio professionnels. Fournissant Montréal depuis 1994.
Partner None
Status In use
Link http://www.sigmawave.com
Contributions Complex RMA Management
Financial tracking from end-to-end chain
Decision Supported Configurator
Project type Medical
Description Gmedika is a global medical company with its primary focus on the e-health sector. More specifically, our work focuses on four main projects in the medical domain: (1) our flagship Intelligent Framework for Medical Assessment and Knowledge Engineering (IFMAKE), (2) our Physician-Specialist Virtual Collaboration System (PSVCS), (3) our Healthcare Consulting Group and (4) our Non-Profit Initiative. Our flagship system is already being used by two clinics and one medical center in Canada, while other companies have shown interest and are further reviewing it. Our business model involves the active participation of Physicians and Medical Specialists in order to perform efficient and effective patient data collection & management and provide simplified virtual access to collaborative electronic consultations. Our major aims are: high quality patient care; reduction of time spent on traditional medical and clinical processes; fast access to Specialists.
Partner Montreal General Hospital
Status In-Use
Link http://www.gmedika.org
Contributions Medical Expert System
Intelligent Management of Medical Data
eConsult Creation